Sound Design Systems Being a distribution site of SSD products If you would like your BBS, FTP site or WWW Page to be a distribution site of Sound Design Systems products, please fill the following form and send it to one of the addresses listed at the end of the document. SSD distribution sites: 1) Have to call the Slovak Antivirus Center every month to get the newest SSD releases. 2) Are always listed in the distribution site list in every SSD product. 3) Will have bigger traffic and more users being SSD distribution site 8-D Notes: Items marked with a + are NOT necessary to be filled and items marked with a - are NOT public information (so they will not be in the distsite list). <=--------Cut here----------Cut here----------Cut here----------Cut here------=> Form for BBS-es and FTP sites BBS Name: ______________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________ City (+-): _____________________________________________________ SysOp (alias): ________________________________________________ SysOp's Group (+): _____________________________________________ SysOp's Real Name (-): _________________________________________ SysOp's Snail Mail Address (-): ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Is the BBS a distsite of any other groups, and if yes, whose(-)? [ ] No [ ] Yes: ________________________________________________ BBS Phone Number: ______________________________________________ BBS Information (nodes, etc.): _________________________________ BBS Orientation (music, demo etc.) (+-): _______________________ Comments and Suggestions (+-): _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Where have you heard about SSD products (-)? [ ] BBS:____________________________________________ [ ] FTP Site:_______________________________________ [ ] Internet Page:__________________________________ [ ] Friend [ ] CD-ROM Shareware Collection:____________________ [ ] Other:__________________________________________ <=--------Cut here----------Cut here----------Cut here----------Cut here------=> Form for WWW pages WWW Page Name: _________________________________________________ WWW Page URL: __________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________________________________ City (+-): _____________________________________________________ Owner (alias): _________________________________________________ Owner's Group (+): _____________________________________________ Owner's Real Name (-): _________________________________________ Owner's Snail Mail Address (-): ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Is the page a distsite of any other groups, and if yes, whose(-)? [ ] No [ ] Yes: ________________________________________________ The programs you would like to distribute: [ ] All [ ] These: _____________________________________________ Why would you like to distribute SSD products (-):______________ ________________________________________________________________ Comments and Suggestions (+-): _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Where have you heard about SSD products (-)? [ ] BBS:____________________________________________ [ ] FTP Site:_______________________________________ [ ] Internet Page:__________________________________ [ ] Friend [ ] CD-ROM Shareware Collection:____________________ [ ] Other:__________________________________________ <=--------Cut here----------Cut here----------Cut here----------Cut here------=> The address: Peter Visontay H-1118 Budapest Torb gy u. 10. III. 10. Thanks to all BBS, FTP site, and Webpage operators who fill this form and send it back to me!